Greetings to all!
First and foremost allow us to offer congratulations to all our contributors. The response was overwhelming with wonderful original articles. We proudly present the first issue, i.e., Vol. 1, Issue 1 of International Journal of English: Literature, Language and Skills.
The fist issue is a curious and interesting mixture of the three major areas of English. The section Literature saw the tracing of life and philosophies that shaped Ginsberg and his beatitude, an address to the issue of Dalit aesthetics in their autobiographies, the patterns of myth in the works of Northrop Frye and the analysis of interpretation of Namesake in two different media was discussed. ELT has an eclectic approach to teach grammar and an overview of teaching methodology. Skills training in English had assessing students competencies, using technology of Interactive White Board for training purposes and an attempt to change the perception of trainers is presented.
You would also chance upon the spider and a perennial existential question. The end of the journey is rocking; please fasten your seat belts and gear up to meet the Rockstar.
Whew! We are giddy with excitement after this roller-coaster ride. We welcome you to experience!
We have, for some very valid intentions chosen a few for the first issue and saved the rest for the next issue. Going through the articles was a learning experience for us and there are certain requirements additionally which will be soon posted on our webpage at
Share the journal freely because good research should not be stifled with registrations and with limited accesses.
This is an attempt at taking the first steps. Please come back to us in case of clarifications and other suggestions into making ‘our’ Journal. We have applied for the ISSN and ensuing recognition. We shall inform you all of the same ASAP.
Happy Reading!
Editors, IJELLS
Download Vol. 1, Issue 1 of IJELLS
Author Profiles
Dr Shree Deepa – She has been in the CELS, University of Hyderabad. She has a PhD in English from O U and an M.Ed. degree. Corporate training, Soft skills training and teacher training are her strong areas. She has published in the areas of interest.
Dr. Sanjiv Kumar – He is a PhD and a PGCTE from EFLU, Hyderabad. He has published and presented 10 papers in National/International Journals and in more than 25 National and International Conferences. He has 12 years of teaching/research experience.
Dr.Vikas Raval – He is working as an assistant professor of English at Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat where he teaches communication skills. A doctorate from Sardar Patel University, Gujarat. He has published 15 research papers of national and international reputes.
Nannapaneni Siva Kumar – He is a research scholar at Sri Venkateswara University. He teaches Communication and Soft Skills in K.L.University. He has rich teaching experience abroad and interested in language teaching.
Dr. Divya Walia – She is working as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. Of English of the IIS University, Jaipur and her area of specialization is ELT.
Dr. A. Sandhya Reddy – An Associate Professor in English, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad and has19 years of teaching experience. An Expertise in communication skills and soft skills training and a certified as a soft skills trainer. Undertakes placement training too.
Mr. Pushpendra C. Sinora – He is working as a Lecturer in Department of Communication Skills, Charusat University, Changa, Gujarat. He has 03 years of experience of teaching Communication Skills, Professional Communication, Technical Communication, Business Communication, Spoken English and English language.
Mr. Kaushik Trivedi – He is working as a Lecturer in Department of Communication Skills, Charusat University, Changa, Gujarat. He has 03 years of experience of teaching Communication Skills, Professional Communication, Technical Communication, Business Communication, Spoken English and English language.
V. Sreeja – An M.Phil and an M.A. from University of Hyderabad. She is currently working as guest lecturer at Sacred Heart College, Ernakulam, Kochi.
Himanshu Shukla – An Engineering graduate from National Institute of Technology, Surathkal. His interests are in Theoretical physics and Writing (both humorous and reflective). He loves writing based on his own experiences rather on worldly facts.
Dr. G.V.Ramana – Translated several short stories, presented papers in the international and national conferences. A certified Senior Technical Writer working on content development, user manuals, Installation guides, deployment guides etc. and also widely travelled soft skills trainer dealing with all the aspects behavioral training. Is a keen learner, working on the fringe language sciences.
Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju – Trained from EFLU and a Doctorate from Osmania University. Prefers the designation of a trainer and a writer. Presented several academic articles to international and national seminars and conferences. Casual and creative writing is also her forte. A prolific reader and a writer.