Supporting Creativity and Expression!

A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. —Richard Bach

The publishing world is now democratized, with many avenues opening up for publishing. The publishing process is still long and cumbersome and does not complement the creative attitude of the author. The author’s job is to write; we are here to transform the author’s copy into a published work. We are the stepping stone in the author’s journey. Our work role starts with the Author’s copy and ends with Publishing. We also understand that a book’s journey never ends, so we provide a permanent communication channel from the reader to the author.

International Journal of English: Literature, Language and Skills has been a journal publishing academic and research articles since April 2012. A natural outcome of this academic enterprise is ‘IJELLS Publishing’. IJELLS, as a journal, has a wide subscriber, reader and contributor base all around the world. To date, IJELLS has regularly published four issues per year with many special and collaborated issues, and we were very prompt with our publishing dates. Our publishing process as a journal is open and transparent and can be accessed at

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, and live on it. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body, be full of that idea, and leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

Books Published

Perspectives on Literature and Film by Dr Mrudula Lakkaraju (ISBN -978-93-5408-282-5)

To buy a copy, send a message on WhatsApp to 91-9948243345

The Cathedral of Undying Thoughts by Dhanush Lakkaraju (ISBN – 978-93-5416-124-7)

To buy a copy, send a message on WhatsApp to 91-9177056665

Framing Film into English Literature – Edited by Dr Mrudula Lakkaraju (ISBN – 978-81-947641-0-6)

To buy a copy, send a message on WhatsApp to 91-9948243345

Tree of Joy – ISBN: 978-81-947641-1-3

Published as a Translation Project – Department of English, UPGCS (OU)

To order a copy Whatsapp 9948243345

Magical Mornings with Shlokas – ISBN 978-81-947641-2-0

A book of shlokas for toddlers, with bright beautiful design, and the unique feature of accompanied audio file of each shloka that can be accessed by scanning a QR code on each shloka.

To order a copy Whatsapp 9963923076

Meet our team

  • Mr Hemamber Lakkaraju MA, LLB. Administrative Head.
  • Dr Mrudula Lakkaraju MA, PGDES, PhD. Academic Advisor.
  • Mr Racharla Bhargava Ram, MA, BEd. Photographs.
  • Mr Hussain Khalid, BS, Architecture and Planning. Art and Illustration.
  • Ms Tanveer Babar Ali Khan, MA. Editorial Assistant.
  • Mr Dhanush Lakkaraju, BDS. Creative Designer.

Why choose us?

• 12-year track record – With a backing of a 12-year publishing experience, having published 54+ issues on time with the trust of the authors, we have emerged stronger and more proficient at our job.

• Customized packages – Every Author conceptualises how their work should be presented to the world. We understand that publishing is expensive and not one mantra suits all. Every package is customized to the author’s unique requirements/parameters.

• Registered firm – Any enterprise needs concepts of permanence and credibility to establish itself in a highly competitive field. We have ticked that one off by registering IJELLS as a firm.

• Earmarked ISBNs – We planned ahead and approved ourselves from RRNA, MHE, and MHRD. Additionally, we have also ISBNs earmarked for our publishing account. This ensures a smooth process of applying and approval of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).


  • Download the Form.
  • Submit your proposal as an email attachment.
  • The proposal will be reviewed (7-10 days).
  • Detailed discussion of the author’s requirements.
  • A customized package will be designed and conveyed.
  • Payment per specifications. (upfront, one time).
  • Detailed discussions on the cover page, editing and formatting.
  • Author approval of the final copy.
  • Printing of the copies.
  • Publishing and Launch of Web Space.

As an author, your only job is to write. Leave the publication to us!

Contact    – Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Email        –
Phone       – +91 81790 33882 / +91 9948243345


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