Welcome to IJELLS!

This is a platform for academic, casual & creative original articles in the field of English. This journal is special as it caters not only to English in both literature and language but also in the emerging and the most tangible feature of English; Communication skills. The journal also holds the space to grow and accommodate any other facet of English that might be of potential in the future and also plans to reach across to as many authors as possible in the context of India and other countries. The journal was started to fill the gap between standard academic journals and their reach-ability.

The format of the journal includes

  • Academic writing within the core subject divisions and also multidisciplinary
  • Creative writing in the sub-genres of poetry and short story
  • Casual writing with impressions and opinions

Life’s all about learning and living. Each phase of our life exposes us to a new experience and in engaging that experience learning happens, so is it for us teachers and trainers. We face a myriad of experiences both with our students and the lessons researched. The engagement with them is learning. This learning is pivotal for a teacher or a trainer, as the learning is also going to translate into a methodology for the students’ benefit.

IJELLS is going with the print version from October 2019 onwards. The online version will be launched and is available on the website and the print version will be mailed to the authors directly.


The journal is an effort to address all the experiences and record them so that peers can learn from each other. The validity of a journal comes from the quality contributions, expert journal editing, sustained efforts and of course an ISSN 2278-0742.

We are now spreading our reader database. We are now listed in  J-Gate and Google Scholar.

We also have been successful in registering this enterprise and have given it a Registered Firm status,  thus have ensured its long run.  We have started our journey in 2012 and this young journal has an impact factor of 3.235

Any person associated with English in all its aspects of Literature, Language and Skills can contribute to the journal.

The Submissions for a Special Issue on Poetry is announced. Interested candidates can submit their poetry as an email attachment to editor.ijells@gmail.com. The details of the issue will be communicated soon. Watch this space.

The submissions are open for the Regular Issue, January 2025. Important dates to remember.

20 January 2025 – Last date for closing submissions for the issue.
25 January 2025 – Intimation to the authors regarding the selected articles.
31 January 2025 – Last day of payment of the publishing fee.
07 February 2025 – Publishing date of the Journal’s January 2025 issue.



Keeping our promise of collaborative learning and growing we are now collaborating with

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