We proudly present to you a collection of inspiring and authentic academic articles in the October 2012 issue of IJELLS. We aim to become a conduit through which articles can be published without fuss. We lived up to the promise. The contributors are congratulated in their thought and endeavor to reach other academicians and peers with their research. Alongside the academic we strongly recommend the contributors to vent their creative side because for creators, sky is the limit. Please inform your colleagues in the same field and ensure the growth and sustenance of this wonderful platform IJELLS. The format of the journal is open access free online version. Please download the soft copy and share it in your circles. Enjoy the presented panorama!!
Download Vol. 1, Issue 3 of IJELLS
1. Dr. M. Latha, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, KL University, lathaphd@gmail.com
2. Prof. A. Hariprasanna, Dept. of English, SV University
3. T. Gayathri, Asst. Prof. of English, SreeRama Engineering College, tgayathribalaji@yahoo.com
4. Dr J. John Sekar, Associate Professor, PG & Research Department of English, The American College, jjohnsekar@gmail.com
5. K. Chandra Sekhar, Assistant professor, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, chanduk.english@gmail.com
6. Dr. M. Pankaja, Associate Professor & HOD of Sciences and Humanities, SreeRama Engineering College, m.pankaja14@gmail.com
7. C. Vairavan, Research Scholar, ACR Fellow, Dept. Of English, Anna University, vairavaneng@gmail.com
8. Arthy. V, Research Scholar, Dept.of English and Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University, arthyvj@gmail.com
9. Dr. P Nagaraj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English and Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University
10. M. Madhu Sudhan Rao, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, KL University, madhu.css@kluniversity.in
11. R. Karthikeyan, Research Scholar, AVVM Sri Pushpam College, rpskarthikk@yahoo.com
12. Ms Shabnam Lohani, Lecturer, Charotar University of Science and Technology, shabnamlohan18@gmail.com
13. Ms Soniya Rajput, Assistant Professor, Charotar University of Science and Technology,
14. Dr. B. Samrajya Lakshmi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Science and Humanities, Lakireddy Balireddy College of Engineering, bslvss@yahoo.co.in
15. Shaik. Mansoor Ali, Research Scholar, Dr.BR. Ambedkar Open University, mansoorkdp@gmail.com
16. Dr. P. Padma, Associate Professor, Yogi Vemana University
17. V. Rajesh, Assistant Professor, VV College of Engineering, rajeshv.ph.d@gmail.com
18. J. Jaya Parveen, Assistant Professor, VV College of Engineering, jayaparveen@gmail.com
19. Dr. R. Nageswari, Assistant professor, English Division, VIT University, rnageswari.r@gmail.com
20. T. Stephen Jayamani, Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University, dewsdropsj@gmail.com
21. Dr. K. Saraswathi, Professor in English, SMK Fomra Institute of Technology, s.vivekanantham@gmail.com
22. Sharmila Banu. G, Assistant Professor in English, SMK Fomra Institute of Technology, banusharmila08@gmail.com
23. Dr. Kalluri Ram Chandra, Professor and Head, Dept. of English, VR Siddhartha Engineering College, ramchandrakalluri@yahoo.co.in
Thank you