Dear Readers and Contributors,
Welcome to the Volume 2 Issue 4 of IJELLS. We have successfully completed two years of presenting an opportunity for publishing research within reach.
The exclusivity of research has always been a daunting proposition to young researchers. When we opted for the open access format, the only intention was to make research accessible. With the ever present issue of concern about being open to plagiarism, we move ahead with our basic unbiased and un-misted resolve into 2014 to make research easy to access. Though the idea of this journal was not commercial in design, we have opted for charging a fee from the contributing academicians instead of going fully commercial with advertisements.
On this second anniversary of IJELLS we celebrate whole heartedly open access research, hoping that researches understand the importance of free access research and use their good sense of judgement against plagiarising the easily available original work.
Another development we are extremely happy to share is the addition of new members on our editorial board. The contribution of editorial members with their wide expertise and experience is heartily welcome.
Happy Reading!
Download Vol. 2, Issue 4 of IJELLS
1. Dr. Ghanshyam Asudani is an Assistant Professor of English and is a voracious reader, orator, HRD trainer and social worker. Authored several research papers published in national and international journals. Authored autobiography in Hindi titled “Safar Ki Dhoop.”
2. Sharon Grace. S is a Full time PhD Research Scholar at Anna University, Chennai. Her area of research is on ELT (English Language Testing). She pursued her Bachelors of English Literature in English in 2006-2009 and Masters in English Literature in the year 2009- 2011.
3. Dr. Sudarsan Sahoo is an Assistant Professor In English at Parala Maharaja Engineering College Sitalapalli, Berhmapur.
4. T.Geetha is an Assitant Professor in English, Working in Nandha Arts and Science College, Erode, Tamilnadu, India. I have completed M.A., M.Phil in English Literature. Moreover, I have passion towards Literature.
5. Dr. Anita Manuel is an Associate Professor in the department of Science & Humanities at KCG College of technology, Chennai.
6. Ashesava Mazumdar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities (English) in Camellia Institute of Technology, Kolkata-700059. Focus of research is on Literature and English Language Teaching.
7. Dr. S. Christina Rebecca Dr. S. Christina Rebecca has 10 years of experience in Teaching Language and Literature at Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women, Coimbatore, India. Her area of interest includes Indian Writings in English and Dalit Literature.
8. B. S. Gomathi is working as an AP(SGL) at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, India. She has 10 years of teaching experience and presented 10 papers in international/ national level Conferences and published 2 papers reputed peer reviewed International Journals.
9. P. Kiruthika is working as an A P of English at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, India. She has 2 years of teaching experience and presented 4 papers in international and national level Conferences .
10. Dr. Hareshwar Roy is currently teaching English at Govt. Autonomous P.G. College Satna Madhya Pradesh. His research papers have been published in many reputed literary journals. His area of research is the writing of the writers of Indian Diaspora.
11. K. Lakshmi did M.A; M.Phil and submitted thesis for Ph .D. She is working as an Associate Professor of English at Aurora Engineering College, Hyderabad. She is the editor for my college magazine from past 4 years.
12. Dr. Maya Vinai is a faculty at BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, her research interests are Indian English Fiction, Gender Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Cultural Studies and Technical Communication
13. Dr. M. G. Prasuna is the Head of the Department of Languages and Humanities at BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus. Her research interests include Comparative Literature , Indian writing in English and Theatre Studies.
14. Ms. Jayashree Hazarika is a research scholar in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in Bits-Pilani (Hyderabad Campus). She is working on the works of the prominent Indian English Writer Vikram Seth.
15. Mojgan Abshavi teaches in Payame Noor University, Fars, Iran. Her Ph.D. on Black American Literature and her other publications like “Daring to Hope: Maya Angelou’s Writing the self” & “Sufism: Critical Analysis”, etc reflect her multidimensional interests.
16. Namita Singh is a lecturer of English at S. S. Jain Subodh P.G. College. Her qualifications are M.A., M.Phil., PhD (submitted). Her area of specialization is Afghan-American Diasporic literature.
17. Prabha Fenn got her UG (BA) in English Literature and PG (MA) in French Literature from Madurai Kamaraj University. At present she is pursuing her PHD in Linguistics in Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on “A Stylistic Analysis of Salman Rushdie’s The Midnight’s Children”.
18. Ramchandra R. Joshi is an Assistant Professor (English) at Silvassas College (Silvassa Institute of Higher Learning), Naroli- 396235, D.N.H. (U.T. of India). He is a Ph.D Research Scholar, S.V. National Institute of Technology (NIT) Surat, Gujarat.
19. Dr. M. Revathi is a lecturer in Government College for Men, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh
20. D. Sundar Singh M. A. M. Phil is working as Assistant Professor in English, Vel Tech University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. presented papers at various national and international forums.
21. S. Thamil Selvi is an Asst. Prof. In the department of English at University College of Engineering Villupuram, a constituent College of Anna University since 2009.
22. Dr. M. Palanisamy, is an Associate Professor in the department of English at Avvaiyar Government Arts and Science College in Karaikal, a Constituent college of Pondicherry University aspires to be the best researchers.
23. Dr.Usha Masram is working as an Astt. Professor of English at Govt. Model Science College Jabalpur (M.P.). She is teaching English Language and Literature to the students and teachers for last 15 years.
24. M. Avinash serves Sathyabama University as an assistant professor for the Department Of English, completed his M.A M. Phil pursuing his doctorate. He is specialized in ELT and reputed for implementing technology in class room.
25. Dhriti Sundar Gupta is an Assistant Professor of Business Communications in the School of Businesss at Kaziranga University, Assam. His area of Interest is ELT.
26. R. Kavitha M.A.,M.Phil., is an Assistant Professor in English, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu. She has presented papers in National and International Conferences in order to update her knowledge.
27. Shimi M.G works as Lecturer in English at Gems Arts and Science College, Ramapuram, Malapuram, Kerala.
28. Lavina Dominic is Assistant Professor of English Education, St.Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala, Kottayam, Kerala. She has six years of experience as a teacher educator. Her areas of interest are Teaching of English and Special Education.
29. A.Ratna Malathi, working at Vignan University in the position of Assistant Professor of English and Soft Skills Trainer in the Department of Training and Placement. She teaches English Language, Verbal Ability and trains students in Soft Skills.
30. Najmus Sehar is an Assistant Head Mistress (Acting), Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is a teacher of English since 1988 and she has completed her 2nd Masters in ELT.
31. Dr. M. Pratibha is a doctorate with 20 years of teaching experience in India and Germany. Her papers have been published in several national and international journals.
32. S. Sayiram is a PG assistant in English, K. A. P. Viswanatham Higher Secondary School, Thillai Nagar, Trichy. Recipient of the Best Teacher of English from a few organisations for my various academic and professional accomplishments.
33. Dr. Anne Sheela Peter is Professor and Head of School of English, Indo Asian Group of Institutions, Bangalore. She has a doctoral degree in ELT and is keenly interested in improving communication skills of international students studying in India.
34. Dr Varalakshmi Chaudhry has 16 years of teaching experience. She is also Guest Faculty at JNU and IITD. She won the ELTAI National Best English Teacher Award (College Level) 2013
35. K.Karthikeyan is an Assistant Professor, Department of English at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamilnadu. He is pursuing research work on ELT among the Schedule Tribes people.
36. Dr. B. Lakshmi is an Assistant Professor, Department of English at Veltech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University, Avadi, Chennai-62.
37. Revathy Ravichandran is an English Faculty at KCG College of Technology, Chennai, India. She teaches English to graduate and post graduate students. Her area of interest is eco criticism and emotional intelligence.
38. Dr Sushil is double MA, in English Literature and Linguistics respectively, and with PhD in English Literature. Semantics, ELT, and the Phonology of English Language- are his fortes.
39. Dr. Anshu Raina, Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar has done research on D. H. Lawrence. Besides Communicative English, she also teaches Neo-Post Colonial and New Literature in English.
40. Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju is trained from EFLU and a Doctorate from Osmania University. Prefers the designation of a trainer and a writer. A prolific reader and writer.
41. Padma Patwari She has done her Masters in Literature from Osmania University and has been teaching in Nizam College since 2009. She is interested in exploring new insights and perspectives that her surroundings and life offers through her writings.