Dear Readers and Contributors,
Welcome to the Volume 3 Issue 1 of IJELLS. We now enter the third year of our journey; it on one hand gives us a sense of contentment yet on the other hand alerts us into the daunting task of sustaining and developing this academic enterprise. We hope we live up to the standards we aim to stabilise and achieve.
We now plan to tighten the editorial processes of selecting a submission for publishing. The focus would be on originality, and that we have decided not to compromise upon. The articles from now on will undergo a stringent set of processes to be able to feature in the upcoming issues. The contributors are motivated to write responding to their original thought processes and seek base in established theory.
We are planning to come up with two issues. One on poetry and the other on translated stories. We shall communicate with you shortly on the information. Till then, exercise your grey cells and enjoy reading this issue.
Happy Reading!
Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju
Founding Editor
Download Vol. 3, Issue 1 of IJELLS
Dr. Ghanshyam Asudani is a professor of English. He has authored an autobiography in Hindi “Safar Ki Dhoop”. He has contributed many papers in books and journals of repute. His area of special interest is short story.
Deepakumari S. is currently teaching English at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. Her area of research is Translation Studies and this translation of Sujatha Rangarajan’s Tamil story ‘Babji’ is a part of her research.
Geetha Venkatesh is working as an Asst.Prof. in Jerusalem College of Engineering. She is interested in working on Dystopian and Archetypal Fictions.
Neha Divekar is a Teaching Associate in English and Communication Skills, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis International University, Pune. She has submitted her Ph.D. thesis in May 2012 to R.T.M. Nagpur University and is currently preparing for the defense.
Rimni Chakravarty is an Asst.Professor in English, Siliguri Institute of Technology, Darjeeling. She is a post graduated in English Literature from the University of North Bengal. She is interested in music, poetry, travelling, and photography.
Dr. K. R. Sujatha has a post graduate degree in English and Translation Studies. She has published a book “Feminine Aesthetics of Indian Women Writers” She has published two articles and presented 10 research papers in various National and International conferences.
Vishalkumar A. Joshi has been working as an assistant professor in English at Lokbharti-Lokseva Mahavidyalaya, Sanosara, Gujarat. He has many published poems and translations on his name in Gujarati and English periodicals and journals. At present he is pursuing Ph.D. in Eco-criticism.
C. Arun is working as a P.G. Teacher in English at Government Girls Higher Secondary School in Polur, Tamil Nadu. Now He has submitted Ph.D., thesis in Comparative Literature in Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. His areas of interests are ELT, Indian Writing in English and Comparative Literature.
Dr. V. Peruvalluthi is a professor and Head of the Department of English, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore. He has 25 years in teaching Language and Literature in various colleges. Under his guidance 45 students got M. Phil., degree and 12 candidates are pursuing Ph.D.
Dr. Asween Kumar Singh started his career as a lecturer in English in an undergraduate college of Orissa. His area of research is Post-colonialism. Now he is working on Fourth world literature and Eco-feminism.
M. Balamurugan is an active learner of English who is working as an Assistant professor of English in E.G.S.Pillay Arts and Science College, Nagapattinam.
Jayasimha Polavarapu holds a Masters degree in English and Comparative Literature from Pondicherry University and M. Phil in English Translation from Madurai Kamaraj University. He currently is pursuing PhD in Translation and Translation Studies.
Dr. George Kolanchery is a trained lawyer who also holds Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, M.A. in English Literature, a B.Ed., a TESOL Diploma (UK) and a CELTA from Cambridge University, UK. His areas of interest are English Language, Literature, IT in ELT and Teaching Methodology.
Asha Madhavi Pagadala is working as an Asst Prof in English at Praksam Engineering College. She is pursuing her doctoral course through Acharya Nagarjuna University. Her areas of interest are teaching Communicative English and Indian Drama.
Mojgan Abshavi teaches in Payame Noor University, Fars, Iran. Her Ph.D. on Black American Literature and her other publications like “Daring to Hope: Maya Angelou’s Writing the self”, “Sufism: Critical Analysis”, and “India – Unity in Diversity”, reflect her multidimensional interests.
Mriganka Choudhury is an Assistant Professor in English, Tinsukia College, Tinsukia, Assam. He is doing his PhD from Assam University, Silchar, Assam. He has presented several papers at International platforms on English Language Teaching.
Mrudula Lakkaraju is trained from EFLU and a Doctorate from Osmania University. She prefers the designation of a trainer and a writer. She is a prolific reader and writer.
Padma Patwari has done her Masters in Literature from Osmania Universityand PGDTE from EFLU. She has been teaching in Nizam College since 2009. Her interests include writing poetry, translations of literary works. Some of her poems have been published in various newspapers and online journals as well.
D.Parameshwari is an Asst.Professor of English at Nizam College. She has joined the Department in the year 2007. She is pursuing PhD from Osmania University. She has seven years of teaching experience at U.G and P.G level.
S. Ramanathan is a reputed scholar in literature. He is working as an Assistant Professor in VHNSN College, Virudhunagar in Tamilnadu. So far he has published 12 Articles and presented paper in 10 International conferences.
Dr. Kanna Muthiah works as an assistant professor opf English Sadakkathulla Appa College, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu. Interested scholar in literature published many research papers in national and international journals.
Ameena Kidwai Ameena Kidwai is a lecturer and research scholar at Jamia University, New Delhi. As an ESL teacher and trainer she has been associated with ELT programs of RELO, US Embassy.
Benzigar. M receives JRF from UGC, Delhi for doing Doctoral Research and has registered PhD in the Dept of English & Comparative Lit. M K University, Madurai. He has contributed a number of research articles and presented papers.
Mr. Bibhudatta Dash is a Ph D scholar in English at the Dept of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka. His area of research is Cultural Studies .
Dr. Dhishna Pannikot is an Assistant Professor in the Dept of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka. Her area of research is travel writing and cultural studies.
Elahe Mahmoudi is an M.A. graduate in TEFL from University of Mazandaran, Iran. She currently teaches English at the undergraduate level of the university. Her field of interest is reading comprehension, metacognition and EIL.
Ch. Indrani is an assistant professor at CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
Dr. J. John Sekar is Head (UG) & Associate Professor of English and Dean, Curriculum Development & Research at the American College, Madurai, TN. He has published more than thirty research articles on ELT in international Journals and presented more than 50 ELT papers in national and international conferences.
Lakshmi Kakumanu has 14 years of teaching experience and her area of interest is on ELT at graduate level. Now she is working as a faculty in an Engineering college in Hyderabad.
Dr. Melissa Helen has an experience of teaching for more than two decades in many places that include CBIT, HCU and GITAM Univ. before joining Osmania University. Her interests include literature, Langauge teaching and soft skills training.
D. Sarulatha is presently working as Associate Professor at Karpagam Engineering College. She has 12 years experience in teaching field dealing both in Language & Literature. She is an IELTS trainer.
Sushma Parvathini Sushma is pursuing PhD in ELE from EFL University. She has an M.A English (Gold Medallist) in Language and Literature (2006) from Sri Padmavathi Mahila University, Tirupathi.
K. Venkata Ramana is Secretary, ELT@I, Hyderabad Chapter & Assistant Professor at MGIT, Hyderabad. Managing Editor for “International Journal of the Frontiers of English Literature & the Patterns of ELT” with ISSN : 2320-2505.
Dr. Bernadette E. Lyngdoh Khongwir is an assistant professor at University of Technology and Management New Age University, Shillong, Meghalaya. She has a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English Language education from the English and Foreign Languages University.
K. Geetha has 6 years of experience and is currently working as Business Communication and Soft Skills Trainer. She completed her M.Phil and pursuing Ph.D. from Osmania University.
W. Grace Shanthi holds M.A in English, M.Ed, and M.Phil and is currently pursuing Ph.D degree. She is currently working as Assistant professor in English at TPC Engineering College, Warangal, A. P.
Dr Anne Pothen, Prof of English, Nizam college,Osmania University. She has more than 34 years UG and PG teaching experience. Her area of interest are post colonial and Indian writing in English, She has guided 6 Ph.D, 18 M.Phil students.
Dr A. Ramakrishna Rao is the Former Senior Professor of JNTU Hyderabad. He has more than 36 yrs of experience as Prof of English, JNTU Hyderabad. He is currently the Dean, SICET Autonomous Annex, Sri Indu college of Engg and Tech.
Jaisingh, K. is an MA, PGDTE (EFL U), B.Ed., and pursuing Ph. D. He has been teaching English and Communication Skills for more than 16 years at various levels. He submitted his Ph. D thesis titled “English as a Non-Native Language: Practical Problems in the Teaching of English”.
K. Kiran is working as an assistant professor (C) in the department of English, Nizam College, Osmania University, Hyderabad and has worked in various engineering colleges, and is pursuing his Ph. D in Osmania University.
Dr. B.V. Rama Prasad is Ph.D. in English from EFLU, Hyderabad. He also has M.Phil and PGCTE degree from EFLU, Hyderabad. He has presented papers in many international seminars. He is now associate professor in the department of English Kuvempu University.
Rincy Mol Sebastian is currently doing her PhD in the Department of Education, University of Calicut. Her research interest is in the area of English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature & Educational Psychology.
Dr. K. P. Meera is the Associate Professor of Department of Education, University of Calicut. She has 12 years of teaching experience as teacher educator. She has published and presented several papers in national and international journals and seminars.
M. Santhi Priya is working as an Assistant Professor of English at CMR College Of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. Presented one paper in national Journal and published one article.
Dr. Sudarshan Sahoo is Lecturer in English at Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Sitalapalli, Berhmapur. He is expert in teaching the activities in emotional intelligence to the Engineering students.His research province is African American Dramatic Tradition.
Dr. Akkara Sherine is a Professor and Editor at the Department of Languages, Hindustan University, Chennai. She is also the Academic Coordinator of International Student Exchange Programmes. Areas of specialization are ELT and People Skills.
Dr. Shifan Thaha is an Assistant Professor at Salman bin Abdul Aziz University, KSA. She has contributed papers in national and international journals. Her research interests include Learner Autonomy, CALL, Teaching Methods and Curriculum Designing.
Snigdha Singh a Senior Lecturer at Amity University, Lucknow combines seven years of rich corporate experience with more than four years of experience as an ESL Trainer for adult learners since the past four years. Communication Skill Training is her area of interest.
Dr Varalakshmi Chaudhry has 20 years experience and is also Guest Faculty at JNU. She has won: ELTAI National Best Teacher Award-2013; and Best Paper Award- 2014. She has published 28 research articles; and 4 books (2 in press).
Dr. Ch. V. Ramani, is an Asst. Prof. in English, GVP College of Engineering for Women, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Her area of research is in ELT and was awarded Doctorate from Sri Venkateswara Uniresity, Tirupati. She has presented papers in National and International seminars.
Dr. Dewakar Goel a poet , writer , singer , professor and a bureaucrat works as a general manager AAI with 11 books to his credit . He is a Human Performance Technologist IATA Geneva, Switzerland and H R Consultant ICAO Montreal, Canada. He is a visiting faculty for reputed business schools in India and abroad.