Dear Readers and Contributors,
Welcome to the first issue of the fifth year.
We have in literature section, interesting articles on various texts ranging from The Colour Purple to Hullaballoo in Guava Orchard and films ranging from Bollywood’s Vivaah to Hollywood’s Harry Potter. The reading goes from articles on science fiction to the animated film, and a personal favourite Wall –E. The language teaching section has articles of using music to teach phonetics, using folk tales and using traditional techniques for language acquisition.
We always call it a roller coaster ride!
Happy Reading and Sharing!
Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju, Chief & Founding Editor
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Our Contributors & Titles
Straight from a Daughter’s Heart by Ansulika Paul
Ansulika Paul is a poet, writer, orator, and a teacher. She has few poems, short stories and book reviews to her credit. She is currently working as a lecturer at B.R.P Govt. Polytechnic College in Chhattisgarh, India.
My Relationship with ‘Thakur’! by Rimni Chakravarty
Rimni Chakravarty, Asst.Professor in English, Siliguri Institute of Technology, post graduated in English Literature from the University of North Bengal. Darjeeling interested in art, literature, travelling and photography.
Truncated Gender in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple by E. Anita
E. Anita is an Assistant Professor of English at St. Francis de Sales Degree College, Bangalore. She is a research scholar. Her research area is eco-feminism. Her area of interest is Afro- American writings in English.
Science Fiction and the Fantastic: Exploring Scientific Debates within the Fantastic by Deepthi. S
Dr. Deepthi.S works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Government First Grade College for Women, Ramanagar.Her areas of interest include English Language Teaching, Gender Studies and Indian Literatures.
Representation of Womanhood in Popular Cinema: A study of Vivaah (2006) and Guzaarish (2010) by G. V. Dharmanayaka
Dharmanayaka G V is a PhD research scholar at Kuvempu University, Shivamogga. His areas of interest are English Literature, Post colonial literature, Film & Cultural Studies, Dalit literature, and Modern Kannada literature.
Gender Discourse in Defoe’s Moll Flanders and Roxana by Ikram Arfi
Dr. Ikram Arfi is an Assistant Professor at Carthage University, Tunisia. She defended her Ph.D at Stendhal, Grenoble University, France. Her publications include Research Articles on Comparative Literature, Post-colonialism, Feminism, Teaching and Innovation.
Seeing Red in the Red Movement: A Glimpse into Naxalite Poetry by Melissa Helen
Dr. Melissa Helen has an experience of teaching for more than two decades in many places that include CBIT, HCU and GITAM Univ. before joining Osmania University. Her interests include literature, Langauge teaching ans soft skills training.
‘The Morning after Death / Is Solemnest of Industries’: An Enactment Of the ‘Civility’ Of Death in Emily Dickinson’s Poetics by Mousumi Guha Banerjee
Mousumi Guha Banerjee is currently Head of the Department of Classical and Modern Languages at the Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi. Her research area and interests include Victorian Women’s Poetry, Literary Theory and Criticism, Business Communication, Cross-cultural Communication and Film Studies.
Outsider’s Gaze: Exploring Nadeem Aslam The Wasted Vigil by Namita Singh
Dr. Namita Singh is a Lecturer in the Department of English at S. S. Jain Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur. Her area of specialization is Afghan-American Diasporic literature.
Differing Perceptions of the Protagonist and His Mental Conflicts in Judith Guest’s Ordinary People by Radhakrishnan C. & Dr. Olive Thambi
Radhakrishnan C. Is a research scholar at Bharatiar University. He is currently working as an assistant professor at Department of English, Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Chennai.
Dr. Olive Thambi works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of English at LRG Govt. Arts College for Women, Tirupur.
Gunter Grass’s The Tin Drum: The Keeper of German Nation’s Conscience by Patchala Rajesh
Patchala Rajesh is a UGC-NET & JRF research scholar in the Department Of English at Acharya Nagarjuna University.
An All Consuming Love: Domestic Violence in Alice Hoffman’s Here on Earth by Raji Narasimhan & Sushil Mary Mathews
Raji Narasimhan is a Ph.D. research scholar, who has immense passion for Literature and enjoys writing and sharing her poetry. An avid reader herself, she enjoys teaching literature and reading to children.
Sushil Mary Mathews is an Associate Professor, Department of English, P. S. G. R. Krishnammal College, Coimbatore.
T.S. Eliot: A Mind in Evolution by Mitra Sannigrahi
Mitra Sannigrahi obtained B. A. (Honours) in English from University of Kalyani in 2013. She obtained M.A. in English from University of Calcutta in 2015. She qualified CBSE-NET for lectureship in English in 2014. Presently she is an M. Phil research scholar at University of Calcutta.
Wordsworth’s The Solitary Reaper: A Kerala Critique by Mohammed Shafeer K P
Mohammed Shafeer K. P. had presented papers in many national and international seminars. Now, he is working as an Assistant Professor in English in KMCT Group of Institutions, Kuttippuram Kerala.
Narrative Techniques in Heart of Darkness by Sharmistha Basu
Sharmistha Basu is an Assistant Professor in English at Narula Institute of Technology, West Bengal. She has obtained PGCTE from EFLU, Hyderabad and presently pursuing her M.Phil from Savitribai Phule Pune University. Her main area of interest is designing innovative techniques of English Language Teaching for the benefit of the second language learners of English.
Viability of Children’s Literature for Future Sustainability by Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg
Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg is an Assistant professor in the dept. of English at Shia P. G, College, Lucknow, U. P, He is a critic of repute, and has published many papers in various national and international journals. His areas of research include Indian English poetry, fiction, cultural studies, Language and Communication teaching.
Bricolage of Cultural Confluence and the Indian Connection in J. K. Rowling’s the Harry Potter Series by Dr. Sumathi Shivakumar
Dr. Sumathi shivakumar is an Assistant Professor, Department of English, A.M. Jain College, Meenambakkam, Chennai.
Eco-symbolism in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing by Sr. Candy D’ Cunha & Dr. G. Suvarna Lakshmi
Sr. Candy D’ Cunha is a secular nun working since 2009 as a Lecturer in English in P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts and Science P.G Centre Vijayawada. She holds the following degrees – M.A, M. Phil, and M.Sc (Psy). She has participated and presented papers in various National and International seminars and also Workshops. At present she is pursuing her Ph. D degree from the Krishna University under the supervision of Dr. Suvarna Lakshmi.
Promise of an Ecological Disaster: The Future That is Envisioned by Wall–E and Idiocracy by Tushnim Gangopadhyay
Tushnim Gangopadhyay is currently researching certain plays by Edward Albee. His other interests include exploring the various aspects of postmodern fiction, graphic literature, and interactive literature, i.e. video games. He also indulges in freelance translation/transcription projects.
Family as a Theme of Shashi Deshpande’s Select Novels by T. Vasanth & Dr. K. Sundararajan
T. Vasanth is serving as Assistant Professor of English in BDUC Arts and Science College, Srirangam, Trichy, Tamil Nadu in India. He has attended many national and international conferences and also presented papers.
Dr. K. Sundararajan has completed his Doctorate in English in the year 2004 and awarded in the year 2006. He has 27 years of experience in the educational field. His specialization and area of interest is Indian Writing in English. He has guided 13 Wards for Ph.D.; 3 wards awarded with Doctorate Degree; 2 wards submitted their thesis and 8 are doing research under his guidance.
Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard: A Critical Evaluation by Vivek Kumar Gupta
Vivek Kumar Gupta is a research scholar at Allahabad University. He is working on the topic “A Comparative Study in The Selected Novels of Anita Desai and Kiran Desai” under supervision of Dr. Gunjan Sushil. He is fond of reading critical books and writing papers.
Stories of Success: A Study of Strategies Adopted by High Achievers in Deprived Contexts by Sadananda Meher & Dr. Anand Mahanand
Dr. Anand Mahanand, has been on the faculty of the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad for more than sixteen years. Apart from his teaching and research at the University, he develops materials and designs syllabus for the learners and teachers of English. He has translated two collections of tribal folktales from Odia to English. He is interested in English Language Education in the Tribal Contexts.
Remediation of Learners’ Errors in Oral Communication by K. R. Athista
K. R. Athista, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., PGDTE., is an Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade) teaching English Language at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Tamilnadu. She is an Academic Counsellor of the EFL University. She has authored a book titled Tribes in Mahasweta Devi’s Short Dramas published by Lambert Publishers, Germany.
Western Musical Staff Notation in the Teaching of Phonetics by Dr. Grace Suneetha Didla
Dr. Grace Suneetha Didla is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Phonetics at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. She specializes in Clinical and Forensic Phonetics and is also passionate about adopting music into the teaching of Phonetics.
Creative Writing via Folk Tales in the Classroom by Dr. Pragyan Paramita Pattnaik
Dr. Pragyan Paramita Pattnaik is an Associate Prof. and Head, Department of English at C V Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Developing Analytical Skills through Context Based Teaching and Learning: A Strategic Approach by Narasimha Raju P. & Dr. Suneeti T.
Narasimha Raju P, a prolific writer, has 15 years of experience in teaching and industry at various levels. He has to his credit presented numerous research papers at national and international conferences. He has his research papers in national and international journals.
Dr. Suneeti T, a professor of English, had her Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) with a research bent of mind at an early age. She has flair for writing a large number of research papers subsequently published in various print and online journals of national and international standard.
Lesson Planning for Engineering English: NBA Course Planner Reviewed in the Light of Digital Lab-Based English Teaching in Engineering by Dr. Sadhan Kumar Dey
Dr. Sadhan Kumar Dey is Associate Professor of English in the Department of Engineering Science and Management at RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India. He has 19 years of Teaching and Publication Industry experience and has authored many books.
Redefining Education: Cognitive Revaluation of Twenty First Century Needs by Dr. Sanjukta Sivakumar
Dr. Sanjukta Sivakumar is the founder principal of Delhi Public School Tapi, Surat since 2009. Her interests include language as a thinking strategy, holistic assessment, teacher education, and wildlife conservation
Need for Introducing a full-fledged Course in Writing Skills for Engineering Students: A Survey by Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli
Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli is a senior lecturer at University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun. He is currently pursuing research in ELT (English Language Teaching) from Uttaranchal University, Dehradun.
Improving Listening Skills for Cracking Versant English Test: A Case Study in the Use of Smartphones for Language Learning by M M Sastry & Dr. A. Sherine Joy
MM Sastry, is a Soft Skills Trainer at Sasi Institute of Technology and Engineering, is pursuing PhD on mobile technologies for teaching English under the supervision of Dr. A Sherine Joy.
Story as a Vehicle: Teaching Vocabulary to Young ESL Learners by T. Sunitha
T. Sunitha is a PhD research scholar at EFLU, Hyderabad. She has an MA in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) and an M Phil in ELE (English Language Education) from the same university. Her areas of interest include primary education, formulaic language, teaching languages to young learners and language testing and assessment.
Humanising Language Teaching: Multiple Perspectives and Human Centric Approaches by D. Uma
Dr. D. Uma, M.A., Ph.D., PGCTE., is Associate Professor in Women’s College, Nizamabad. She has 34 years experience in Teaching field. She participated in many National & International Conferences and presented papers. She contributed 200 questions for Staff Selection Question Bank.
Needs Analysis – An overview by Vijayasri
Vijayasri is a Ph.D research scholar from The EFLU, Hyderabad. Her research interests include Teaching Writing Skills, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Androgogy, Distance Education and Teacher Development.
Effective Resume and Report Writing by P. Rajisha Menon
P.Rajisha Menon is a Senior Assistant Professor-in-English at Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad, Telangana
Developing Effective Communication through Active Listening by Vijaylaxmi Shivmurthi Prashene
Vijaylaxmi S Prashene is a lecturer in Shri Havagiswami College, Udgir. She is doing research in ‘The Use of ICT in ELT at College Level’. Her area of interest is ELT and communication skills.