Dear Readers and Contributors,
The field of ‘Literature & Film’ as a unity is still unexplored and has untapped potential. One way of understanding is the comparative analysis from the book to the film. The questions then are ‘which version is better’ and ‘what areas can be improved or included’ etc. We have come to understand the complexity of film as a mode of representation, a narrative and further, a discourse. The tools of interpretation and analysis applied to literature can also be applied to ‘Film’. Film is a text and hence the theories of literature plus the potential of generating its own unique theory coexist.
This is the first of many more series to come. We, at IJELLS would like to keep the proposition open to have one special issue on ‘Literature & Film’ every year.
Happy Reading!
Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju
Editor, ‘Literature & Film’ Special Issue
Our Contributors
Dr. Abhisarika Prajapati works as an Asst. Professor (English) in the school of Arts & Humanities at REVA University, Bengaluru (KA). She has published 30 research papers in her area of interest. Her areas of interest are LGBTQ, Gender Studies, Indian Writings in English and Children’s Literature.
Alan Pulverness is a Director at TransformELT and Senior Consultant at Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE). He was Co-Chair of the British Council Oxford Conference on Teaching Literature (2002-2006).
Dr. Mohammad Ameen Parray is a senior assistant professor of English at PG Department of English, North Campus University of Kashmir Delina Baramulla. His areas of interest include Postcolonial Studies ,Film Studies ,ELT and Linguistics.His Urdu translation of Dr B R Ambedkar’s ‘Who were Shudras?’ is under publication process.
Dr Basharat ul Haq is Assistant Professor (English) Higher Education Department, presently posted at Govt Degree College Pulwama. He has a number of research publications in various reputed National and International Journals to his credit.
Dr Palakurthy Dinakar, trained from EFLU and a Doctorate in English. He authored 15 books presented papers in 6 International 29 National seminars. Published more than 50 research articles.
Ika Susilowatie bagged her BA in English Language and Literature from State University of Malang in 2015 and is now a third-year English Teacher. Her interests include Gender and Literature, Children Literature and Literacies, and Contemporary Narrative.
Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju works at Department of English, Osmania University. Her areas of interest are Post colonial Literature, Gender Studies, Film Studies, English Language Teaching, Contemporary Literature and Communication Skills.
Naveena V has been working as an Assistant Professor of English at Government First Grade College for Women in Shimoga, Karnataka. Presently, he is pursuing Ph.D. on Film Studies.
Stenza Augustine is doing Ph.D in English Literature from The English and Foreign Languages University, Shillong. Her areas of research interest are feminism and the representation of women in cinema.