Main Articles: The articles submitted should correspond to the three defining areas of English i.e., Literature, Language & Skills. The clarity of the article along with well researched ideas and logical presentation will be considered while publishing. The articles need to follow the following

  • Author Details: Full details of the author/authors need to be submitted.
  • Abstract: To clearly and concisely state the content in the paper.
  • Introduction: A clear introduction and framework through which the paper is presented.
  • Body: The actual investigation or research of the author and the methodology adapted.
  • conclusion: The articles’ conclusion is a clear exposition about the author’s findings.

Short Writing: Short writing need not follow the formal order but need to be original and interesting to read.

Reviews: Reviews can be of movies, books, games or new software but they need to conform to the overview of the journal. The reviews should serve the purpose of advancing and elucidating the purpose of English in its three forms of manifestations.

Creative: Poetry and short stories, original or translated can be published.

Discussion: Discussion regarding the published articles, education policies in relation to English or any other news and opinions can be included if it fits into the format of the journal’s publication.

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