Dear Readers and Contributors,
Congratulations to all of us for sustaining this academic enterprise for five years. With this issue we are entering into the sixth year which we believe will be intensely academic for all the teachers, scholars, supervisors and teachers.
The most interesting article of this issue is ‘Dialogue Journaling’, as a tool for teaching English in classrooms. It was extremely thought provoking and innovative. So are many more interesting articles in the literature section. Kindly share it with your peers and colleagues.
Happy Reading and Sharing!
Dr. Mrudula Lakkaraju, Chief & Founding Editor
Our Titles
Into The World
C. Chandhini
The Triad
Saroj Bala
Blended Learning
Srimadhavi P
The Cloistered Race and Their Clogged Lives: A Study of Alice Walker’s Meridian
E. Anita
Women-across Boundaries
(Psychological Analysis of the female protagonist in Manjula Padmanabhan’s Getting There)
Ansulika Paul
Psychoanalytic Approach to Manjari’s Character in Moving On
Bhavana Pandey
Writer and Society: A Subaltern Perspective of Bama’s Karukku
C. Channappa
Split between Two Identities: an Analysis of Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake
Gagandeep Bhullar
Literature and Life – The Two Sides of a Coin
P. Hiltrud Dave Eve
Capitalism in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations: A critique
Isam Shihada
The Use of Myth and History in Karnad’s play Nagamandala
Kanchana Gupta
A Study of Wordsworth’s “Ode on Intimation of Immortality” in the Light of Śabdālaṁkāras (verbal figures) of AlaṁkāraSiddhānta
Mukesh K Gupta
Transcending Dalit Aesthetics in the Field of Contemporary Indian Literature
Pradeep Bellubbi
Beyond Self behind the Bars: Mary Tyler’s Autobiography My Years in an Indian Prison
Satyanarayan Nemalipuri
Dialogue Journaling with Malaysian English Teachers
Jimalee Sowell
Task-Based Approach to Teaching English Speaking Skills at the Tertiary Level: A Study
S. Belgiliya Lincy
Our Contributors
C. Chandhini is a 1st year student of B.A .English Literature. She is a lover of art, literature, music, poetry and everything sublime. She stated writing poems at the age of 7. Her Poem has been published in IJELLS, June 2015 issue. She writes poetry on Nature, Love and Philosophy. He presents papers in Language and ethnicity and won Best paper award in International Conferences. Her article has been published in Journal Impact factor .She is passionate about the Human mind and insights into the future.
Saroj Bala works as an Assistant Prof. of English in Delhi Technological University. She writes poems and short stories in Hindi, English and Urdu. She has published/ presented papers in International journals and conferences.
Srimadhavi P is an MA B.Ed. She is presently working in CVR College of Engineering as Assistant Professor English. She worked in reputed schools in Hyderabad and abroad for nearly 10 years and with reputed junior colleges for four years as Senior Lecturer English. Her interests are reading books and travelling. Her areas of interest are English Language Teaching and motivating the learners to become able communicators.
E. Anita is a research scholar. Her research area is eco-feminism. Her area of interest is Afro-American writings in English. Her favorite genre in Literature is novel and the most liked one is Charles Dickens’s The Tale of Two Cities.
Ansulika Paul is a, research scholar, writer, orator and lecturer. At present she is working as a guest Lecturer in a government college of Chhattisgarh. She has few poems, short stories, book reviews and articles to her credit.
Dr. Bhavana Pandey is a lecturer in communication skills at Polytechnic College, Shahdol. M.P. She was awarded Ph.D. in 2003. She published five research papers and a book on “communication skills for technical students” .she also wrote a biography on late Shri Yamuna Prasad Shastri the legendary figure in Indian politics.
Dr. C. Channappa in 2010, he received his doctorate in comparative literature from Kuvempu University, Shimoga. He has been teaching at SMR College, Shankaraghatta, for past twenty two years. He has presented research papers, especially on subaltern writings, at various regional, national, international seminars and contributed significantly to reputed literary journals.
Gagandeep Bhullar, is working as an Assistant Professor, Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran, Mohali. She is masters in English and an M.Phil in English with the topic Elements of Protest in Selected Plays of Eugene O Neill and she is currently pursuing PhD in English.
Hiltrud Dave Eve has been an active practitioner in English Language Teaching for more than 11 years and has interacted with more than 6,000 adult learners of English in the Indian higher education. At present she is working in National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli in South India.
Dr. Isam Shihada is an Associate Professor of English Literature (Novel) at Al Aqsa University, Department of English, Gaza Strip, Palestine. He was the recipient of the Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund scholarship, hosted at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, from 2010 till 2012. He currently heads the English Department, besides his teaching and extensive research on Novel, Gender Studies and Literary Criticism.
Dr. Kanchana Gupta is a research scholar in A.P.S. University, Rewa (MP). Her present working school is Government High School Bhundaha. She is a prolific reader and writer. Her areas of interest are film and literature, feminism and gender studies.
Dr. Mukesh K Gupta is Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, Govt. Degree College, Margubpur, Roorkee (Uttarakhand). He obtained his Ph. D degree on “A Study of Wordsworth’s Odes and Lyrics in the Light of Alankar Siddhanta” and PGCTE from EFL University, Hyderabad. He has contributed a number of articles on English literature, Indian English literature to various journals and anthologies.
Konda Murali is an Assistant Professor of English in CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana. He has published five international research papers and two books.
R.Tirumala is an Assistant Professor of English in CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Pradeep Bellubbi is a research scholar at Kuvempu University Shivmogga. His area of research is Dalit literature and his areas of interest are English literature, Indian English literature, Dalit literature and subaltern studies.
Satyanarayan Nemalipuri is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Vizag Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam. He is a research scholar at the Department of English, Andhra University who has a passion for teaching and research.
Jimalee Sowell has taught English in South Korea, Cambodia, Uganda, Ecuador and Bangladesh. She is currently an English Language Fellow with the US state department, Ivory Coast.
S. Belgiliya Lincy is doing M.Phil (English) in C.T.T.E. College for Women, Perambur, Chennai. She is interested in doing research in ELT (English Language Teaching) for ESL (English as Second Language) learners using CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) techniques. Her M.Phil. project is on “Task Based Approach To Teaching English Speaking Skills At The Tertiary Level: A Study”. She has chosen the Task Based Approach for her research as she wants to find an alternative for ‘lecture’ method which is commonly used for teaching and learning ‘literature’ in schools and colleges.